It’s a good time to start exercising.

I read Dear Abby in the paper this morning and found out that this is National Women’s Health Week. She gave information about a free Health and Beauty Kit that was being offered by the FDA. You can sign up for this kit to be mailed to you. The site was very slow this morning but I was able to request the kit. There is a limited amount of them so if you are interested then you may want to check it out as soon as possible.

May is a good month to think about our health. There are lots of web sites that can help you lose weight, exercise more, or get interested in different activities. The Flylady site has started a Walk around the World for her moving in May.

America on the Move (AOM) is another good site to check out. It is geared towards women, men, and now they even have a family section. I did it a few years ago where I kept track of my steps with a pedometer and posted them on the site. I had to do so many steps during a six week challenge. They send you reminders plus give you tips on how to cut calories. Since I have put on a few pounds this winter I think I will sign up again for another six weeks.

Time to get moving!

Janice Scissors