Graduation Gifts

Do you know someone who is graduating high school or college in the next few weeks? This is the time of year that we see all the commercials and advertisements on what to buy those graduates. If you need to buy someone a gift you want to be careful to about getting things that can become clutter.

If that graduate is heading off to college and dorm life, beware that there are restrictions about what they can have in their rooms. Candles and many small cooking appliances are not allowed in most dorms. The students are also limited in what they can hang on the walls, requiring special tapes and hangers. Some dorms require special size sheets and comforters (X-long) and some don’t. If you want to buy the graduate linens then find out the size first.

If you don’t feel comfortable asking about size and other restrictions you may be better off giving a gift certificate to a local store. The only caution here is with the economy being so bad and a store goes into bankruptcy those gift cards may be worthless. So, if possible, try to make sure the gift card is at a store you know the graduate will be able to shop at this summer and buy what he/she needs.

When my younger son was heading off to college a couple of years ago he took his gift cards and was able to buy what he felt he needed for the dorm. Most of his cards were at Target which worked out well. He did receive some gift cards at stores that were not as convenient for us to shop at and they didn’t get used right away.


If you have a college graduate to buy for you have a much larger choice of what they could use. If they lived in a dorm or furnished apartment at school then they may need a whole lot of things. Either find out what they need or give them a check or gift card. It takes a lot of money to set up a new apartment and start a new life.

Janice Scissors