
How to Let Go of Things That Hurt Us

We all have things that hurt us. I’m not talking physical hurt, but emotional hurt. Especially the ones caused by items we surround ourselves with.

You know what I’m talking about. It’s those items that bring up bad memories each time we look at them. They may remind you of hateful words said by the person who gave you the item. Or remind you of an embarrassing event you’d rather forget. …

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Take Action! The Only New Year’s Resolution That Works

There is only one New Year’s resolution that works. That is when you resolve to take action towards your goals.

Two of the top New Year’s resolutions are decluttering and organizing your home and losing weight.  In the past I’ve made both of those resolutions many years in a row.  I slowly got to a point where I felt I was fairly organized.  The clutter wasn’t completely gone but it wasn’t overwhelming my day to day routines.  However, I did need to constantly work at it to keep it that way.

But life happens. …

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Fire Drill! Stop, Drop, and Roll.

fire_1Do you remember being taught the fire drill of Stop, Drop, and Roll? This short statement is drilled into our brains from the time we are little to help us know what to do in case our clothes ever caught on fire.

The idea behind this is to condition our brain with a routine to fall back on. This can prevent us from going into panic mode and not thinking clearly. This same idea also is what saves us from running into traffic to chase a ball or cross the street, “Look both ways first!”.

We condition our brain with “fire drill” statements to help protect our physical well being.  But many times we tend to neglect …

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October Holidays and Observances

It’s hard to believe September is almost over. The school routines should be in place by now and hopefully running smooth. The cooler weather (at least in the northern parts of the country) is setting in plus the daylight hours are getting shorter and shorter.

There are only a couple of holidays during the month of October but there are many, many “observances” for either a day, a week, or the month. Here are two sites that list lots of these special observances. It’s amazing how many different things can be celebrated during this month. I have not check out many of them but you can Google any that interest you.

I’ve listed some of the more common observances below. The one that has the most significance to me is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.  I’m a breast cancer survivor along with my mother and sister.  I have done a little more research for links to help educate you on the subject. Most people know at least one person or family that has dealt with breast cancer. Learn how to reduce the risks for yourself and your family members. Give generously (money and/or time) to the charity of your choice. The more we all contribute to finding a cure the sooner we won’t have to live in fear of cancer.

Ok, I’m getting off my soap box. Check out the links below. October is not only a month to educate yourself on a variety of topics (see above links) but to have lots of fun!


October 11, (Monday) Columbus Day

This is a Federal Holiday so most Federal buildings and the post office will be closed.

October 31, (Sunday) Halloween

I’ll add more links as the month goes on so be sure to check this blog often. If you have any suggestions for Halloween fun please let me know in the comment section. Thanks.

Other Observances

October 3 – 9, National Fire Prevention Week

October 1-31, Breast Cancer Awareness Month




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