The Holiday Season Will Be Here Before You Know It!

Wild turkeys

It’s already September.  The holiday season will be here before you know it.

Last week I was walking in my subdivision and in the fields at the end of one of the streets I saw a flock of wild turkeys.  I zoomed in the best I could with my cellphone.  Those turkeys got me thinking about the upcoming holidays.

So I figured it was time to get started with the planning.

“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” ~ H. Stanley Judd

There’s always so much do especially if you celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas or Hanukkah. It may still seem like there is plenty of time to get it all done but now is the time to start with the planning and organizing.

Below are two lists that will simplify two of the biggest projects you may have, sending out greeting cards and gift shopping.

Greeting Card List:

Since the Jewish New Year is this month the first place I usually start is with my holiday card list.  I have a master list that has all my Jewish family and friends on it so I know who to send the Jewish New Year’s cards to and later the Hanukkah cards.  I also have a separate list for family and friends that will get a Christmas card.

Greeting cards

There are step by step instructions in the free article, Holiday Greeting Card System.

I keep a master copy on the computer. That makes it easy to update it each year.  This year I’ve already had several addresses I needed to change.  For some reason most of my nieces and nephews have moved around over the last couple of years.

When I complete the updates I then print a copy and put it in a plastic sleeve. That way I can use a dry erase marker to check off people when I have addressed their card.

Creating or updating this list now will give you a good idea of how many people you want to send cards to. You’ll know what kinds of cards to buy.  When the cooler weather hits and your watching the new shows you can pull out your list and the cards. Print labels, hand address them, sign them, and maybe even put personal messages in them. Don’t seal the envelopes until you’re ready to mail them in case you want to insert a family photo or newsletter.

Master Gift List:

Another list that would be good to create or update is your  Master Gift List.  It will not only help you organize your gift shopping it will also help you manage your budget and time.  If you have a written list with you when you are out shopping you’ll be able to buy gifts over the next few months instead of all at once.  You’ll be able to take advantage of sales to help save money.  If you charge your gifts then the payments will be spread out over several months of statements instead of being hit with one big one due in January.

So check out the two articles for step by step instructions to set up your list.  If you have any questions  please let me know.  These two lists have helped me so much over the past ten years that I’ve been using them. It’s one project you can do now that will help you feel more organized for the whole holiday season.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” ~Alan Lakein

If you’re looking for a lot more tips and ideas to help you plan, organize, and simplify your holidays check out the ebook Tips To Simplify and Organize Your Holidays.

To a lighter load along the way.


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