Simplifying Can Feel Like You’re Swimming Upstream!

Mini waterfall

Do you feel like you are swimming upstream against the current when you try to simplify your life? I know I do.

So what do I mean by this?


We are all bombarded constantly with advertisements to buy, buy, buy!  Everyone wants us to give them our money for products that they say will make our lives wonderful. Plain and simple, they are trying to brainwash us into thinking they know better what is good for us than we know what is good for ourselves. That’s kind of scary. And, not true.

Politicians and Economists

We are constantly being told that in order to grow the economy, goods and services need to be purchased at a healthy rate.  Then we are told that the average American doesn’t save enough money to retire on. That in turn will put a strain on the financial status of the country down the road.

So which is it, spend to grow the economy by buying products we don’t need or save for the future so we don’t depend on the government in our old age?  Talk about mixed messages.

Keeping Up With Technology

Again, the advertisements make us feel left out on the sidelines if we don’t have the latest technology. Schools and businesses also expect us to have or know how to use the latest and greatest. It’s part of today’s world so you may need to invest in some of it for school or work.

However, you have the choice as to whether you need to keep up with it at home. You do’t have to have the newest “smart” TV or any TV for that matter. You may not need to have a computer, laptop, tablet, and a smart phone. It’s your choice as to whether you have one or all of them.

Our Personal Look

How many times are we made to feel insecure if we don’t keep up with the latest fashions and styles? This may come from advertisers, family, friends, schools, and even our place of work.

I’ve read that some people will create a “uniform” for work by having several shirts exactly the same. They also have several skirts or pants exactly the same. This way when they get up in the morning they put on the same outfit each day. Depending on where you work and whom you work with this may be a great option to simplify getting dressed each day. It will reduce the excess clothes in your closet. It will probably save a lot of money also.

Stop Swimming Upstream

Many things are working against us when we want to simplify our lives. Even our own family and friends may think we have gone off the deep end because we don’t want to buy into the idea of “having it all”.

Fortunately it seems that the tide is finally turning.  Although the idea of voluntary simplicity has been around for a long time it is now moving more towards mainstream acceptance.  Many of us have come to realize that when we “have it all” it really means having too much of it all.  We end up buried under all the things we thought were suppose to make our lives wonderful.

In reality the opposite is true.  When we have only the things we love and need we find our lives a lot simpler in a good way.

So if simplifying makes you feel like you are swimming upstream at times, it’s well worth the effort. Plus, when you have a lot less clutter weighing you down you’ll have more control as to which way you choose to swim.

To a lighter load along the way.
