
Give Clutter Free Gifts

Christmas treeOver the years I have written several blog posts with ideas for clutter free or almost clutter free gifts for Hanukkah and Christmas.  Since my  mother and mother-in-law had mentioned years ago that they didn’t need or want  more things to fill their homes I’ve done plenty of research to come up with different ideas.

When my mother was moved to a nursing home in 2014 and we had to go through her entire house to sell it, I was glad she told us not to get her more “things”.  She did not have a lot of clutter laying around but there was still plenty of stuff to go through in a her three bedroom home. She has since passed away but I still have some things to go through. …

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The Holiday Season Will Be Here Before You Know It!

Wild turkeys

It’s already September.  The holiday season will be here before you know it.

Last week I was walking in my subdivision and in the fields at the end of one of the streets I saw a flock of wild turkeys.  I zoomed in the best I could with my cellphone.  Those turkeys got me thinking about the upcoming holidays.

So I figured it was time to get started with the planning.

“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” ~ H. Stanley Judd

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Clutter Free and Almost Clutter Free Gift Ideas

Part of celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah is giving gifts to family and friends. Sometimes we feel obligated to give but hopefully most of the time we give a gift to show how much we care about that person.

Christmas presentsAlthough we want to find the “prefect” gift for everyone on our list it’s not always easy.  We don’t want to give them something that will end up in a closet or drawer taking up space.  In other words, becoming clutter!


Below are some ideas of clutter free or almost clutter free gifts.   …

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Take Time For Gratitude

If the craziness of the season is starting to get to you then it’s time to take a a few minutes to relax.  Think about what you are grateful for in your life.  It can make a world of difference in how you feel.

It’s that time of year where we are so busy running around we forget to stop and smell the roses.  Okay, I know that’s a cliche.  For most people, at least in the U.S., the rose bushes are dormant this time of year.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t stop to smell the roses figuratively.  Look around for things to be grateful for. It just might be what you need to dress up your mood.



There are always things, people, and events in everyone’s life that are good. Sometimes we just have to stop rushing through life long enough to see them.

Some things to be grateful for:

  • the smile on your child’s face when you kiss them goodnight
  • a roof over your head
  • food to eat
  • clothes and shoes to wear
  • that fact that you are reading this blog post on a computer – you can read!
  • your dog or cat greeting you when you get home – pets love unconditionally
  • freedom to celebrate your religious holiday
  • your family’s and your own health

The list goes on and on.  Take a few minutes each day to write down the things you are grateful for. Create a gratitude journal with a fancy journal, spiral notebook, or even on your smartphone or computer. It doesn’t matter how you do it.

The important thing is to write down what you are grateful for. Then read it anytime you feel overwhelmed, out of sorts, or depressed. Heck, you might want to read it first thing each morning to dress your day up right.

You’ll be amazed how something this simple can have such a profound positive effect on your attitude.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” ~Epictetus

“If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.” ~Robert Quillen


To a lighter load along the way.




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