Spring Cleaning

Although it is unseasonably cold outside today I am trying to get myself psyched up for spring cleaning. Spring cleaning doesn’t mean you have to completely clean the entire house. You can pick one area that needs it and work on that.

In my case, my office desk has gotten out of control. Since I started this blog a few weeks ago I have put a lot of time into learning about the technical aspects of setting up a blog and a web site. My goal is to write ebooks on decluttering and organizing and sell them on the web site. I have years of organizing experience but not web site building experience.

It is time to take a step back and spring clean my desk so I can work more efficiently. I will be setting a timer and working for 15 minutes at a time to clear off the papers and file them where they belong. Here is a picture of the mess as of today.


I will take another picture in a few days when it is cleaned up. Maybe by then it will begin to feel like spring outside and I will be more motivated to tackle other messes that need a “spring cleaning”.

So, what are you spring cleaning this month? Leave a comment and let me know.
