March can have wild swings in weather here in the Midwest. Easter Sunday was a mix of brief snow showers and sunshine off and on throughout the day. It was beginning to feel like Spring would never come.
It is still cloudy and cool today but a bright spot of yellow is appearing above ground to indicate that warm weather will soon be here. The first crocus blooms are such a welcome sight. It also makes me realize how far behind I am with planning for my yard and garden. It’s a good week to order fertilizer and mole deterrent. This past fall and winter the moles have invaded my yard. If anyone knows of a good way to get rid of them please let me know. They aerate the yard way beyond what it needs.
It has been hectic this week with my son home from college on spring break. It is hard to believe his semester is more than half way through. He leaves for Dallas tomorrow to visit his brother and I can get back to finishing the taxes.
Have you finished your taxes? There are only 21 days left to file them. It sounds like a lot but the days have a way of going by fast. This last weekend in March is not a holiday and would be a good time to finish working on them.
Well, I’m going back to visit with my son. Once they go away to college you learn to appreciate whatever time you get to visit. They grow up fast and are busy doing their own thing.