
Stimulus Checks on their way.

If you are expecting a stimulus check then check out the government schedule to find out when you may receive it. Of course, back in March when the government announced they would be sending this check to stimulate the economy I don’t think they expected gas and food prices to climb like they have. Most people will probably use the checks to pay for those items or put it in the savings for a rainy day. The way the economy is going that rainy day could come at any time.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~ Hans Hofmann (German Painter, 1880-1966)

“The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich,
and creative, it isn’t simple.” ~ Doris Janzen Longacre


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Spring Cleaning Continued

I was reminded by a reader that I had promised to declutter my desk and take another picture. I did get the top of the shelves cleaned off right away but I didn’t get to the main area or the cubby holes. I think because I had not made it “perfect” yet I put off taking another picture.

Well, today I am posting the before picture taken on March 28, and one taken this morning. I have also taken one after setting the timer for 15 minutes and clearing off the desk top. It’s a work in progress, just like most things in our lives. And that’s a good thing! If everything was always in it’s place then there wouldn’t be any “living” going on there.

March 28, 2008


April 24, 2008


April 24, 2008 after a 15 minute clean up.


Although it’s warm outside, it’s also cloudy and rainy again today. Sometimes it is hard to get in the mood to spring clean when the sun isn’t shining. Maybe it will still show it’s face today and I can tackle some more decluttering.

Mark Twain grew up just north of St. Louis and this quote says it all about the weather in the Midwest.

“In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.” ~Mark Twain


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Gardening has started!

Now that the weather has finally decided it really is spring time I am able to get out into the garden and plant some Hostas. I bought the box of ten roots a few weeks ago at Sam’s. Due to the cold and rain I couldn’t get them in the ground. Now that they are planted, we will see how they grow.

It’s funny how when the weather doesn’t seem appropriate for planting perennials or annuals, the weeds sprout overnight. I use hardwood mulch in the beds around my house but I have come to the conclusion that the weeds love this mulch! It doesn’t matter how thick it is they just grow right through it.

I try to use as few chemicals as possible so it is a constant battle every year. Oh well, I may not have the best looking yard but at least I am not poisoning the earth or my dog or cat that play in it.


I’m sure many areas of the country are farther along with the planting season and some areas aren’t there yet. When the spring weather comes late like this year all the plans written in January seem to go out the window. Now I’m playing catch-up and the weather forecast is calling for more rain this week.

If I’m lucky I may have the flowers, shrubs, and vegetables in the ground by Memorial Day. Then I can go in maintenance mode and enjoy the summer.

How is your gardening going so far this year?


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Termite Season is Here

Do you know if you have termites? Have you had an inspection lately? I received a reminder in the mail to have my inspection and pay for my annual insurance. From experience I find it well worthwhile.

Of course termites are more prevalent in some areas imagethan in others. When I lived in Northwest Arkansas we had to have the house treated before we could get a loan from the bank. Even though the house had been treated, each spring we would have swarms of termites at our large picture window in the living room. Each year the exterminator would come out and inspect the house but couldn’t find the source. One year I started noticing tiny wood shavings on my tile entry floor. Hanging from the ceiling were tiny termite tunnels. They had gotten up in the attic and were having a feast on one of the beams.

My current house in St. Louis had termites before I moved here. Needless to say, I get my inspection and keep up the insurance every year. I also get the house sprayed for ants at the same time. They seem to like to invade my home at this time of year. I let them know they are not welcomed guests.

To find out more about termites just click on the above picture. That site has a lot of pictures and information to help you identify this insect and it’s damage.

I would love to hear from others who have termite stories they want to share.


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April Holidays

April has a lot of holidays and event weeks ranging from Earth Day, to Administrative Week, to Turn Off TV Week, to the Jewish holiday of Passover. I have included the dates and links for more information on the these holidays and more in my April 15th newsletter. I have posted it below.

If you would like to have the newsletter sent to your email on the 1st and 15th of every month then please sign up for it. The sign up form is on the sidebar to the right. Since this newsletter has timely information you will receive it in time to plan ahead and mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on the events.


April 15, 2008 Newsletter

The second half of April has a few National holidays and many minor holidays that you may or may not be familiar with. The latter part of April also brings the warmer weather to most areas of the country. Little league baseball has started and the garden centers a filled with blooming flowers.

April 13-19 is Environmental Education Week. If you have children in grades K-12 then you are probably aware of this week.

April 19 is the first night of Passover. The Seder or festive meal is where Jews read the story of how they escaped from slavery in Egypt. Special foods are served at the Seder and for the whole week. Most foods symbolize different areas of the story. If you celebrate Passover it is time to plan out your shopping, cooking, changing dishes, and all the other things you need to do to prepare for the holiday.

April 20-26 is Administrative Professionals Week. This week came out of National Secretaries Week starting back in 1952. Administrative Professionals Day is Weds., April 23. If you have any Administrative Professionals working for you please don’t forget about them. These people are the backbone of most businesses and deserve to be recognized for it.

April 22 is Earth Day this year. There are lots of activities plan in most communities through out the country. If you have children then this site will give you ideas of what you can do to get them involved in Earth Day. Check out your local city website or newspaper for events taking place in your town. I know my city is having a recycling day including hazardous waste drop off. This is a good time to clear out those items laying around because you couldn’t put them in the trash.

April 25 is National Arbor Day. Most states have different days according to the best tree planting time. Check out your state to see when it celebrates Arbor Day. Planting a tree with your children teaches them to plan for the future of the earth.

April 21-27 is TV turn off week. This week is geared toward schools and children. It’s a chance for families to do other things together besides watching TV. With the weather better late in April and it being light later this would be a good time to take some family walks around your neighborhood.

April 24 is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work day. This is a chance for a child to see what their parents really do at work. In most cases children will have a better understanding about what you do and why you may be so tired after work when they are expecting your attention.

April 27-May 3 is National Volunteer Week. If you’re a volunteer you are probably aware of this week. If you are not a volunteer then it may be time to recognize the volunteers you know and thank them for giving of their time. Whether it is the room parents at school, the volunteers at the local hospital, or all the fundraiser’s and event workers, they all help make our world a better place. Thank you.

There are a lot of holidays and events taking place this month. Check out the links to all the sites and learn more about them. Get involved whether you have children or not. These events can enrich your life. Just remember to mark your calendars for the ones you want to partake in.


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