
The Pause and the Shift


Dear Reader,

I haven’t been blogging for a while again. With all that is going on in the world I seemed to have hit the proverbial writing block when trying to write about decluttering.

This block actually started way before the pandemic hit the United States. I’ve been going through a mindset shift for the past year.  But once the the lockdown started, this shift really came to the forefront. Lots of questions started coming up.

My Personal Questions

  1. What is important to me at this point in my life?
  2. Do I want to keep writing my blog?
  3. Do I want to keep the website or close it down?
  4. What do I do going forward?
  5. Is anyone even interested in my life stories and lessons learned about decluttering?

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Why I Haven’t Been Blogging


Over the last couple of years I haven’t been blogging on a regular basis. I didn’t know what to write about anymore. I began to doubt that my words were being read by anyone much less helping anyone on their decluttering journey.

When those kind of doubts enter your head it’s hard to be creative.  It’s like being a butterfly looking for nectar but there aren’t any flowers blooming. …

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Get Off The Hamster Wheel – 365 New Beginnings

It’s hard to believe this is the last week of January. Just a few short weeks ago was New Year’s Day.  We  were feeling excited about a new beginning.  Even if we screwed up and got nowhere last year, when the calendar year changes we feel like we get another chance to start over and do it right.

But here we are, into the fourth week of the new year, where many of us have already given up on those new year’s resolutions. We’re back into the same old (bad?) routines that didn’t move us forward towards our goals.

Albert Einstein said:

  “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


hamster wheelThe sun rises each morning giving us another chance to work on reaching our goals and dreams.  But it seems like one day drags into another. We feel like we’re on a hamster wheel going nowhere.

Many of us don’t know how to get off that hamster wheel and it’s causing a lot of insanity! …

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