American Heart Month

I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day. The red hearts of love were all around.

The American Heart Association has designated February to be concerned with another heart, the muscle that keeps you alive. If you haven’t had your cholesterol or blood pressure checked for a while now would be a good time to call your doctor for an annual checkup. If you have heart disease in your family there are many things you can do to reduce your risks.

Fortunately, heart disease is one of the health issues where your lifestyle can make a big difference. My father had a heart attack at age 52 (he survived it) back in 1978. The whole family learned how to eat better and exercise more. My husband has controlled his blood pressure through diet and exercise for years. It is very prevalent in his family and he works hard to avoid having to take medicine to control it.

No matter what your age it is important to know your numbers for cholesterol and blood pressure. This month start to learn all you can to adopt a healthy lifestyle. That way your heart, the muscle that keeps you alive, can enjoy many Valentine’s Days to come.
