Last night I walked in the survivor lap for the first time at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I have walked as a caregiver/family member with my mother (19 year survivor) pictured with me below.
This is also the first time I have worked at fundraising for a cause. I’ve donated to many causes in the past but never asked others to help out. I’m asking now.
If you can help me reach my fundraising goal I would appreciate it. You can donate at my page on the American Cancer Society website.
Last night I saw many survivors of all ages, gender, race, and nationality. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It was hard seeing a young mother or father wearing a purple shirt walking around with their young children holding their hands. You know those parents want to be around to see their children grow up, go to proms, graduate high school and college, marry, and start a family of their own.
It was especially hard to see all the teenagers wearing the purple shirts. They have already been through more in their young lives than most people will ever experience.
Lets make sure all those effected by this common enemy get the chance to experience all that life has to offer. Please support your favorite cancer charity whether through my fundraising effort or someone else’s. Every dollar gets us closer to a cure.
Thank you,
Janice Scissors