Organizing Resources

Over the years I have relied on the experience and expertise of many people to help me learn how to control clutter. Although I’ve never hired a professional organizer I have read many of their books and articles. There are other people such as Marla Cilley, aka Flylady, who have shared their own experiences to help others.

I plan on sharing these resources with you every Wednesday. These posts may include links to websites with lots of information and inspiration. They may be reviewing a book I have read on organizing. Please check out this blog every Weds. If you want, you can sign up on the right sidebar or here to receive new blog posts in your email.

I mentioned Marla Cilley above. She is know as Flylady. I first read about her eight years ago in an article in Woman’s Day magazine. I’ve use many of her tips and tools over the years.

Check her out at:

Marilyn Bohn is a Professional Organizer in Utah. She has lots of articles on her website and blog. She recently published the book, “Go Organize! Conquer Clutter In 3 Simple Steps.” You can read my review of the book here.

Check out her website and blog:

Jacquie Ross is also a Professional Organizer. I recently met her through Twitter and now we correspond through email and phone calls. She also writes a lot of articles on organizing plus has a newsletter and ebook.

Check her out at:

There are so many ways to declutter and get organized. Sometimes it is trial and error until you find what works for you. Life is journey but you can lighten your load along the way.

Janice (Look for my almost daily mini Cut Clutter Tips.)

1 thought on “Organizing Resources”

  1. Hi Janice,

    Thanks for mentioning me in your blog! I am so glad we know each other. I also enjoy reading your newsletters and look forward to your upcoming e-book!

    Take care,

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