It has been a couple of weeks since I sent out a tip newsletter. I’ve had some health issues to deal with but I plan to get back on track now.
Because I promised to send a weekly tip and I didn’t, it became an incomplete project. This weighed heavy on my mind. Incomplete projects have a way of doing that to us.
When we have too many unfinished projects/tasks they clutter our minds with guilt. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small. A basket of clean laundry that isn’t folded and put away or the unpaid bills past their due date constantly nag at us to take care of them. This kind of clutter keeps us from finding peace and freedom to enjoy each day.
Okay, so you have all these incomplete projects/tasks in you life, now what? How can you possibly get everything completed along with all your other daily responsibilities? It’s not easy but you have to prioritize (pay the bills) and sometimes multi-task (fold laundry while watching TV). You also have to ask yourself if the project is even worth completing.
Sometimes an incomplete project has been that way so long it becomes outdated. I remember about two years ago when I was decluttering my sewing supplies I found a half-sewn pair of little boy’s shorts I was making for my son. This son graduated college two weeks ago. I don’t think those shorts will fit. It was a project that didn’t need completing anymore. Yes, I felt guilty for never finishing them but I got rid of the guilt when I threw the uncompleted shorts out.
Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup For the Soul books) has written a book called “The Success Principles”. In it he talks about getting into “completion consciousness”. He says to continually ask yourself “What does it take to actually get this task completed?”. I have written this question on an index card and have it on my desk right in front of me. When I get sidetracked I look at the question and it helps to bring my mind back in focus on what I have to do to complete the task I started.
To help get yourself in the habit of asking this question all the time you might want to write it on sticky notes or index cards and put them in places where you struggle the most with uncompleted projects/tasks. This might be your desk where the bills are, by the kitchen sink, near your sewing/craft area, or in the laundry room. Before you know it you will be completing projects large and small and clearing out the clutter from your mind and your home.
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To a lighter load along the way.
Janice Scissors
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Hi, very nice post. I have been wonder’n bout this issue,so thanks for posting