“Go Organize” by Marilyn Bohn – Book Review

Marilyn Bohn’s new book “Go Organize – Conquer Clutter in 3 Simple Steps” uses what she calls a ‘Lights On Organizing System’. This system helps you determine what is clutter and what is not by comparing items to light wattage.

The three simple steps are Searchlight, Spotlight, and Greenlight. There is a wattage scale on page 15 that helps you evaluate how you feel about your stuff. If you dread going into a room because of the clutter then that space will have a very low wattage of 1-2 on a 10 point scale. If you love everything in a particular room then that would be considered a very bright wattage of 9-10 on the scale. The goal is to have your rooms at the 7 watt level most of the time.

The first two chapters explain how to evaluate each room (Searchlight) by using the wattage scale. Then Marilyn explains how to make a plan of actions (Spotlight) to address each problem area. After that you are ready to take those actions (Greenlight) to declutter and get organized.

The rest of the chapters go through different rooms of the home with tips, solutions, and examples of how to use the 3 steps in that specific room. “Go Organize” gives you a different way to look at your clutter. The more angles we can look at our stuff the easier it will be to recognize what really is clutter.

The book is available at some local bookstores or on Amazon. You can get more information by clicking the link/picture below. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a new way to get organized.




1 thought on ““Go Organize” by Marilyn Bohn – Book Review”

  1. Hi Janice,

    This was a surprise to see that you did a book review on my new book. Thank you very much! I have been very happy about the response from people I know who have bought the book and how it has helped them.
    Thank you again and Clutter Free Wishes,

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