Daylight Savings–Spring Forward

Clocks005I love Daylight Savings day in early March. That extra hour of daylight in the evening gives me an added boost of energy. I’m one of those people who have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which makes me want to hibernate all winter long. With the sun not setting until later I feel like I have more time in the day to get things done. I’m a morning person so when it gets dark around 5:00 PM in the middle of winter I really shut down early.

That means I struggle to get those little messes like the dinner dishes and clean laundry put away in the evening. So the next morning I’m cleaning up from the night before. Not a good way to start a day!

So when Daylight Savings kicks in I get excited because I know my house will be cleaner each morning and I can start the day with a smile on my face.

This Sunday, March 11, is when we move those clocks forward one hour. I change the clocks before going to bed on Saturday so I’m not late for any activities I have planned on Sunday.

Put some spring in your step and take advantage of the longer days to get the evening chores done in the evening. You’ll have more energy and motivation when you start the mornings out fresh. You’ll never miss that lost hour of sleep!

To a lighter load along the way.
