Welcome Twitter Followers!
You have landed here from my Twitter page. I want to welcome you to the Cut Clutter With Scissors website.
I set up this page so you can learn more about me and what I do.
About me:
My name is Janice L. Scissors the owner of this website. I’m married and have two grown sons who live out of town.
What I do:
I have always loved to write. I also love organizing which does not come natural to me. I’ve spent many years learning all kinds of tips, systems, & programs to help me get and stay organized and decluttered. It’s an ongoing journey.
I combined these two loves and created this website and blog to share what I have learned. I also use Twitter and a Facebook Page to share tips.
What I offer:
I have a newsletter filled with tips, links to current and relevant articles and blog posts, and current news on the website and/or me.
Currently you can sign up in the sidebar.
I write articles on different organizing topics. Links to the articles are located here.
Again, I want to thank you for visiting and I hope you find a lot of information and tips to help you get decluttered and organized.
To a lighter load along the way.
Janice Scissors
P.S. Oh, and I love quotes. I use Twitter to share many of the quotes that inspire me and hopefully will inspire you.